So, last weekend my hubby and I went to the Pioneer Woman's book signing. For those of you that don't know who she is here is her website.
www.thepioneerwoman.com She was everything I thought she'd be. Beautiful and sweet and feminine. I didn't get to really talk with her as there were probably 500 other women waiting to see her and the book store people were shoving the next ladies book at her before I knew it. But atleast I can say I met her! And my hubby was so nice to come with me and take these photo's.

Afterwards, we went down memory lane as my hubs showed me where he used to live and his old stomping grounds when he was younger, before I met him. We had a lovely dinner and then went to his family restaurant and listened to the band. We didn't get home til 1 am! It took me 2 days to recover, I'm just not cut out for those late nights anymore! Oh, and in case you were wondering where the kids were? They were staying the night with their cousins!